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Kairali Yoga retreat centre in Kerala

Heal your body and mind with yoga, an ancient practice of controlling mental, physical and spiritual aspects of the human body. Helping one to reduce their stress, mental illness and physical disability and improving the positive aspects in the body. Our professionalyoga practitioners will guide you over the training period and bring a positive change in you.

Kairali offers yoga classes every two hours each day guided by a professional yoga practitioner who will teach you the essence of yoga in everyday life. By practicing yoga daily, one can maintain a proper balance in the body without any medication. It has been proven that yoga helps to reduce stress levels and improve proper functions in human body. At Kairali, you will not only experience true healing through yoga but also learn how to practice yoga thereafter. We also teach to maintain proper diet with our special cooking classes for a healthy diet which necessary for a healthy living. Kairali will provide you all of these facilities in the package that you choose.